Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hour of darkness

Today is Earth Hour day. We are encouraged to off our lights from 8.30pm - 9.30pm. But for me, I can't be bother switching my lights on after sunset. So I spent my whole evening thinking and reflecting upon my life.

Well, many random thoughts did flash across my mind, and I'm not sure they are useful. But one thing I must note, is a short book from the Discovery Series of RBC of which I've read in late December. The words in the book are still so clear in my heart. The title of the book was "The Mockery and the Majesty of Calvary".

As per the title says, the book was mainly about the Good Friday story - the Crucifixion of Christ. Yes, it's only a week away from Good Friday and Easter. Reflecting upon the scripture, this period that Christ has gone through, can be dramatic to someone, can be gruesome, but for me, it's awesome! Let me clarify, isn't it awesome that God sent His OWN Son as an atonement for our sins, the greatest sinners of the whole universe? We definitely is not worthy of Him to die for us, for because of His great love and mercy, Christ died for us to reconcile us back to the Father.

We cannot even imagine of the suffering that Christ has gone through. Quoting from the book that I've mentioned earlier.

The Torture of The Cross
The physical aspects of crucifixion event were excruciating. The cross was laid on the ground and the condemned stretched upon it. Historians believe that the nails - 9 to 12 inches long - were probably not driven through the palms of the hands but rather through the spaces between the small bones of the wrist. This would take the nail through the main nerve center leading to the hand and would prevent the executed individual from pulling the nail through the fleshy webbing of the hand and attempting escape - as if that were ever possible. The victim's feet would then be overlapped and, with knees slightly bent, forced onto a small pedestal on the cross. Once the condemned was nailed to the cross, the executioners would hoist it up with ropes and drop it into a prepared hole in the ground where the cross would come crashing down with a thud. It seems ridiculously obvious to say, but all of this would have been unbelievably painful. The nails would have felt like flaming pokers to the nerves and muscles of the hands and feet. The lifting would have been disorienting, perhaps even resulting in momentary vertigo. Most painful of all, however, would have been when the cross was dropped into the ground. The jolt would have resulted in a violent pulling of the victim's shoulders and elbows - which were unable to "give" under the forceful wrenching of the body. This often resulted in shoulder separations and shoulder dislocations, which would have been horrific. Yet as terrifyingly brutal as all of this was, it was only the beginning...

Well, the article continues on describing the physical pain of someone who was condemned of a cross sentence. But as for Christ, the most painful of all, is the separation from God throughout the whole crucifixion process.

Why? Why did Christ has to suffer these? Because of the love of Christ. Yes, as Christian in this modern living world, it's hard to resist the temptation of the world, remembering that the teaching of Paul in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Yes, it IS hard! But, how difficult is this compared to the suffering that Christ gone through back in those days? Brothers and Sisters, let us hold on to Christ, for He has victory over all! Let us seek Him for strength and wisdom as we carry our cross daily. May we all be strong and bold in Him and bring the gospel to the unreached!
