Sunday, January 10, 2010

Project Pressure

Lemuel Tan January 9 at 1:01pm
The call sign is PP for project pressure,

Even as we speak, friends of friends of friends are actually starting to voice this out among various countries among the locals. Malaysian Harvard law students are spreading the reality to their law friends, Malaysian professionals working in Australia are sharing this with their working colleagues. I even have a friend in Boston who is writing and sharing this out as a thread in gmail.

The whole idea is to let the world know the reality of Malaysia. The injustice that has been under the radar. The world has been shaded by Malaysian government and does not know what is really happening in Malaysia like we know it. We know that Human rights do not exist for non-bumis. We know that religious freedom is a facade. We know the truths from the lies.

We, those who are overseas, are given a chance to voice out to the world, something that Malaysians inside Malaysia cannot do. The idea is to stand united, to get the world's attention that we are in need of intervention. Following the trend of Indonesia. They started out with riots, then firebombing church, then killing. We are just one step away from murdering Malaysians. Why did the international community not do anything about the killings? Why, although considered murder in the international tribunal, did no international association stood up? My answer, perhaps it lies in the fact that those who are in power who can do something do not know about it. Perhaps we as Malaysians can learn from this to avoid a repetitive mistake. This is reality, my family who go to church one day, might be in the news headlines tomorrow. "300+ murder in church in Sunday service). Malaysians, we are heading down that track!

I urge every single Malaysian who has a voice to help me start this project, Project Pressure. To be a voice to the world. So that the world community can see the reality. Internationally people are blissfully unaware of the situation, what does not hurt me has no concerns to me. But we know, it is only a matter of time before it starts affecting the world, all we need to look at is History. When no one intervene Germany, we started a world war.

How can I help?
* By telling other Malaysians friends about this project. Asking them to inform other Malaysian friends about this as well. Project Pressure (PP) will be a world wide movement.
* By telling them to inform the locals, their friends critical questions such as: Have you ever wondered how come there are so many Chinese Malaysians studying here although we are only the minority? What happen to the Malaysia? Did you know that non-bumis do not get benefits from the governments for property investments?

We do not know, but hopefully we a hype, international governments will start seeing the situation as a real problem. And Malaysia by then will be placed under the magnifying glass of the world. If people in power in Malaysia are true to what they practice, they should have no fear of the international scene. But if it is true what we overseas Malaysians are advocating, than hopefully change would start happening.

I am not asking for a reformation. I am not asking to bring down the government. I am not asking for a war. I am asking for the world to know what is happening around us. I am only doing my part, I believe that God will do the rest.

I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe that God has not called us out of Malaysia without a bigger purpose than to run away from the things in Malaysia. I believe we, overseas Malaysians, are the perfect instrument for this projects.

Do what you can to share this with your friends, let this be your passion. It is really simple. Tell and tell and tell, we may not be able to stop churches being burn down today or the next week, but we can at least say we have done our part for our country, for its future.

I am proud to be a Malaysian, if there is a 1Malaysia, let it be now.

If you are a Christian reading this. A few of us have actually started praying and fasting for Malaysia in our own lives. We are all doing this by our own will, we see this a bigger picture, not as a group mentality.

Ask your Malaysian friends "Have you heard about PP". If not share it with them. Also do not be surprise to get this tread back, we are mobilizing overseas Malaysians around the world to stand up for justice, to be the voice of the unheard Malaysian.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


My heart breaks as I heard the news that the Churches in KL were being burnt and cars with christian articles were being smashed yesterday. These were the result of riots by the muslim against christians for the usage of the name of "Allah".

Persecution as being mentioned in the bible as painful trails.

"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." 1Peter 12:13

But this incident has reminded me of how crucial it is to take up the commission that God has given us at this end days, to spread His gospel. Take heart, brothers and sisters, always remember that no matter how bad the situation might be, God is always in control!

Friday, January 8, 2010

A little further

Well, it has been eight days after the new year!

Today, my course enrollment has finally opened. This has taken me a little further of what is expected ahead of me. More studies and works. This is going to be the same for all university students.

Friends, do treasure the break that we have right now to charge up yourselves and start afresh again in March! As for those who are doing summer school, have fun!

Take care, my friends.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Looking Forward

Things have been interesting so far!

Although I have to go for my work placement on the first day of the year, but I have been exposed to more detailed information regarding engineering works. This experience is invaluable!

As the weeks passes by, I have adapted myself to the work of an engineer in a manufacturing plant. I had some really great supervisors at work, who have been giving me a lot of precious information regarding the manufacturing processes which I believe will be of great help during my remaining course!

Well, I'm excited for the incoming weeks remaining at the plant, and hope that I can dig even more information from the books that I'm gonna read! Though the place I'm working in is dusty, noisy and dirty, but I like the job. Thank God that I'm in the right field!! =)

So far, the year has been good! Looking forward for more to come!

"I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips." Psalms 34:1

Monday, January 4, 2010


The old 2009 has passed and the new 2010 is here!

Well, I was looking back and reflecting on the things that happened in 2009 and I found that God has been really gracious to me and has taught me some things that sometimes I've overlooked.

In 2009, I have met 2 really good brother in Christ and have taught me many principles of life. The first is someone that I really respect, despite of his young age, he is really mature in his thinking. He's always there to listen to my struggles and been someone that has encouraged me throughout 2009. The later is someone that I've met in a christian fellowship camp at the beginning of December 2009. I did not get to know him well till the last 2 days of the camp. We had spent the last night in fact, sharing of our life stories and praying for each other. He's someone that I really look up to, a godly man and very passionate for God! I'm really thank God for the opportunity to meet these 2 brothers which certainly has brought about impact in my life.

Besides, I've re-visited some of the basics of christianity, which I have overlooked over the past years. Lessons like humility and christian faith has been greatly pressed upon my heart through sharings and daily devotions with some of my friends in Adelaide.

Thirdly, I do thank God for the chances He has gave me to serve Him in worship ministry this year. Serving has always reminded me of Christ, how He has humbled Himself, took the sins of the world and be an atonement of sins for us.

Thank God for the christian fellowship that I attend, if not because of the bible studies, sharings, and the environment, I wouldn't have been who I am today.

Thank God for the camp that I had in December which has really opened my eyes towards the bigger picture of the Last Day where a great multitude standing in front of the throne of God, praising and glorifying Him! The theme for the camp was "Restoring Vision, Renewing Hope", I was greatly inspired by God through the messages and empowered to do greater things this year!

Thus has my 2009 been, now it's time to look forward for more challenging things from Him! And I'm reminded that I'm not alone on this journey, at least, I do have my brothers and sisters in christ writing this life together with me! I pray that this year will be a year that I can even grow much more spiritually and being able to share christ with more people around me!

Till then,